Hyperscale Group have launched a new fixed fee legal team efficiency optimisation product focussed on supporting both private practice and in house legal teams.
Derek Southall, CEO of Hyperscale Group Limited explains more:
“In today’s competitive world we can’t forget the basic need to constantly optimise the efficiency of legal teams. There is a constant market pressure to deliver more law per hour and Legal teams need help and support with this – they are often too busy with their day jobs to stand back and do all the things they need to do to be the best they can be.”
In recent years this core efficiency need has been pushed to the side lines in the “rush to innovation” - we need to get back to basics. The Hyperscale Team have 20 plus year’s experience of making the right things happen in this space and in optimising efficiency. Far too often the focus has been on rolling out systems or improving core processes without ever having done the job, without getting under the skin of a legal teams actual problems or how they deliver legal work in practice. Hyperscale Group can solve this problem.
To deliver tangible results in this area (which is the key objective) needs a perfect balance with the right mix of skills. Technologists, legal engineers and process experts have a lot to offer but struggle as they often don’t have the legal skills or knowledge. Lawyers are too busy and are being bombarded by solutions and client pressures, digital and innovation people often have too little resource and can be focussed on macro business change and product delivery. Finance expertise is key but is only one aspect. Experience has shown us that one dimensional approaches seldom deliver what is actually needed.
Hyperscale Group are well placed to tackle this area with a multi-dimensional and multi–skilled approach. We leverage skills and experience from the world of lawyering, client management, sales, technology, knowledge management, process optimisation, operating models, compliance, P&L management, strategy, digital and innovation and bring all of these skills to bear. I am a former equity partner in a global firm and so understand the expectations and pressures on lawyers and how a new more rounded approach is needed. This is a key area where people need support and we help people to make the right decisions. Our approach deliberately draws upon a range of skillsets as it has to get people to the right place.
We don’t ignore technology, AI and start-ups etc, in this process - far from it but in the real world this is only one part of the solution. Technology needs to be used in the right place, people need to know it works and the cost needs to be appropriate. People also need to know it won’t take a lifetime to implement – too often people run in. Again we help people with this and have years of experience of all of the key technology and digital solutions.
In short “doing” is easy but “doing the right things” is much harder. That is where we come in.”
Hyperscale Group offer a range of other services relating to strategy, technology, digital and innovation including innovation reviews, digital training and knowledge management reviews. Our founder’s CV can be found here.
For more information please contact Dereksouthall@hyperscalegroup.com