Exploring the procurement and management of legal services in a climate of fast-paced technological change.


Now in its second year, the Legal & Technology Procurement Conference (LTPC) 2019 is back on Tuesday 5th November. Our founder, Derek Southall, will be speaking in the morning session: Legal Tech 101.  

For more information: https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.co.uk/en/products-services/events/legal-tech-procurement-conference-2019/agenda.html


 As legal technology evolves, and the entire industry faces digital disruption, many teams are struggling to keep up with innovation, let alone develop a strategy that turns innovation into a competitive advantage.


Key themes that will be explored throughout the conference:

•      How to devise an effective strategy for legal technology and procurement

•      How to understand your risks and mitigate them early

•      Why embracing change is so essential

•      Which skills you need to drive adoption and help people navigate change

•      How technology like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning could impact the legal sector

Register here: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/1f19c06992094dba9ab558a30cf7a40d

#LTPC19 #lawtech #London #innovation #legaltech #Procurement

Derek Southall